Scary For Kids
Japanese Urban Legends

Japanese Urban Legends

Scary Japanese urban legends, myths and ghost stories. Read scary stories that inspired many famous horror movies, anime and manga. Find out more about them and send a chill down your spine. Years ago in Japan, there was a tradition where people would gather in a room and light 100 candles. Then they would start telling scary tales and ghost stories. At the end of each story, they would extinguish a candle. The room would grow darker and darker and the stories would become scarier and scarier. At the end of the final ghost story, the room would be in complete darkness. So let’s light a few candles and read on:

Japanese Urban Legends

Black Teeth

scary for kids


  • @shaphat whelp that does it. never tossing my teddy bear (yes i still have it).

  • Love this site. Recomended to lots of people. All informed me that they loved it. U should have an app that u can get on the stories without getting on the internet. That would be amazing!!

  • That moment you go to read the Japanese Stories and realize that you’ve read all of them…..

  • Honestly, these stories are to die for amazing….so amazing this time i died by Hanako-San :P

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