Scary For Kids


Bobby is a scary story for Halloween about a woman who tries to bring her drowned son back from the dead using black magic. It is based on a segment of an old 1970s horror anthology movie called Dead of Night...

My Name is Tommy

My Name is Tommy is a short scary story about a young boy who comes home from school one day and notices something strange about his family. My name is Tommy and I think I might be going insane. I grew up in...

Don’t Let Me In

Don’t Let Me In is a scary text story about a boyfriend who sends text messages to his girlfriend in the middle of the night, warning her not to open the door for him. Gabriel: Nancy Gabriel: Nancy, are...

We Need to Talk About Lucy

We Need To Talk About Lucy is a scary text story about the parents of a strange 6 year old girl. The story is told in the form of a chat conversation. Steve: Liz, where are you? Liz: I just got home… Why...

20 Questions

20 Questions is a scary text message story about a girl who is being taken out on a mystery date by her boyfriend. Jack: Hey, are you ready for our date later? 🙂 Emma: Yes, I’m so excited!!!! Emma:...


The Talent is a scary story about a young girl who seems to have the ability to predict deaths. It is based on a story by CardboardPizzas. The art is by AdilSantosa. My little sister Zoe is 13 now. I really...

Welcome to Scary For Kids, the website that brings you scary stories, scary games, the scary maze, ghost pictures, creepy videos and horror movies. This website is designed to spook you, creep you out, freak you out, chill your bones and tingle your spine. Select from the scary menu below or explore the rest of the site to find more creepy things. We're adding more stuff every day. Don't blame us if you get too creeped out by anything. You have been warned!

Scary Stories

Halloween Stories

Scary Halloween stories for kids and adults online. These short, spooky, scary ghost stories are perfect for reading at your Halloween party. Tap Tap Tap Halloween Night Halloween Tales The Furry Collar The Leg Body...

Horror Stories

Horror Stories

Short horror stories to tell at night and scary tales for kids and adults to read online. Read about creepy ghosts, Japanese urban legends and classic tales of fear about crazy stalkers, deranged murderers and other...

Urban Legends

Scary urban legends, myths and true ghost stories to read online. Tell these scary stories and horror tales around the campfire, at bedtime or on Halloween night. Check out dark and terrifying myths and legends from all...

Ghost Stories

Short scary ghost stories for kids and adults to tell around the campfire. Some are true stories inspired by real-life events and others are pure fiction, designed to send a shiver down your spine. For some terrifying...

Japanese Urban Legends

Japanese Urban Legends

Scary Japanese urban legends, myths and ghost stories. Read scary stories that inspired many famous horror movies, anime and manga. Find out more about them and send a chill down your spine. Years ago in Japan, there...

Scary Riddles

Scary riddles and answers for kids and adults to solve. Read these creepy stories and brain teasers, then think very hard. If you are clever, you may be able to figure out the tricky hidden meaning contained in each one...

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