Scary For Kids
Long Stories

Long Stories

Long scary stories to read online featuring some of the best horror fiction on the internet. If you have time to settle down for more than a few minutes, these chilling tales of ghosts, horror and the supernatural are great to read.

Long stories

scary for kids


  • 8 feet tall was really scary.BTW sfk can you give me tip on how to make a story sound scary while telling it to my friends

  • The eight feet tall is my favorite like telling it to my classmates, getting them creeped out, wait for a few hours, find the place where they’re alone and say po po po po po……Works every time.

  • 8 feet tall hands down, its one of those story’s that creep you out but you still appreciate the writing, and then scares the living hell out of you at night

  • I think that 8 Feet Tall is the best among all these….. It creeped me out so much when the first time I read it that I didn’t log on to this site for 2 days…… LOL

  • I think 8 feet tall was by far, the scariest, the creepiest, and the spookiest story

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