Scary For Kids

Demon Within

The Demon Within is a scary horror comic about a little boy named Gary who can transform himself into a monster and loves playing pranks on people. It appeared in House of Mystery #201 (1972) and is considered one of the best horror comics ever. It even won a Shazam award for Best Individual Short Story (Dramatic).

The Demon Within

The story begins with a monster creeping up on an unsuspecting girl. The frightened girl screams for her mother.

The Demon Within

The monster runs off, giggling insanely and the puzzled parents watch as it bounds up the stairs and goes into their son Gary’s room. But when they open the door, they find the 7-year old boy sitting calmly on his bed. When they question him, little Gary confesses that he has discovered the amazing ability to transform himself into a monster.

The Demon Within

As his parents stare in horror and amazement, the boy demonstrates his gruesome gift.

The Demon Within

The mother and father are worried about their son’s strange ability. Most of all, they are afraid he will embarrass them in front of the neighbors. They don’t want anyone to discover their son is a freak and make him promise never to do it again.

The Demon Within

However, Gary is unable to stop himself. The very next day, he transforms into a monster and scares his classmates, causing pandemonium in the school.

The Demon Within

His mother is called and she has to come down to the school and speak to the principal. Gary is suspended from school and his mother tells him off. However, as they are about to leave, Gary transforms himself into a monster again to scare the kids on the school bus.

The Demon Within

His angry parents decided that drastic action needs to be taken.

The Demon Within

They drive him down to the local hospital and ask the doctors if there is anything they can do.

The Demon Within

When shock therapy doesn’t work, the parents insist on a lobotomy.

The Demon Within

The Demon Within

scary for kids


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