Scary For Kids

Bullies and Victims

Bullies and Victims is a sad and disturbing story written by a member of this website named AshleyIsToDope in collaboration with ScaryForKids. It’s about two friends who are bullied every day in school by a group of girls. Eventually, one of them can’t take it anymore and decides to stand up to her tormentors.

Bullies and Victims

There were two best friends named Kim and Mandy who were bullied by a group of girls in my school. They didn’t deserve it. Kim and Mandy were well-behaved and never messed with anyone. All they ever wanted to do was mind their own business and do well in school.

Every day, at lunchtime in the cafeteria, the group of bullies would sit at the table behind Kim and Mandy and throw food at them. In the school yard, the bullies would corner the two girls and verbally abuse them. They told them they were dumb, ugly, stupid and worthless. In the corridor, they would push Kim and Mandy around, pulling their hair and throwing books in their faces. They even punched them and slammed their heads against the wall.

The bullying was relentless and the teachers never seemed to do anything about it. Even the other students just stood by and let it happen. Every day, it kept getting worse and worse and I was a witness to it all. I really have no idea how it started, but I do know how it ended.

One day, Kim and Mandy were in the cafeteria and the bullies were throwing food at them and pouring milk all over them as usual. Suddenly, Mandy surprised the whole lunch room when she got up out of her seat and confronted one of the bullies. Before the bully had time to react, Mandy picked up her tray and smashed it into the other girl’s face.

Mandy completely lost her temper and kept hitting her and hitting her until, finally, one of the teachers came running in and had to pull Mandy off. When the girl got up she had blood on her shirt and there was blood all over her face. The teacher had to bring her to the school nurse to get stitches.

All of the other bullies were in shock when they saw what Mandy had done to their friend’s face. Kim just stood there smiling at them. The group of bullies didn’t mess with Kim and Mandy after that happened.

That evening, the teacher held a meeting with the school principal and Mandy was expelled from school.

A week later, the girl that had her face smashed came back to school. Although she was covered in bruises, nobody felt sorry for her. The group of bullies were the only ones who were happy to see her return.

At lunchtime, Kim was sitting alone in the cafeteria. She looked lonely without her friend to keep her company. The bullies came up and started harrassing her. They were making fun of how she looked and calling her names. They even started making fun of her phone, saying she was poor and couldn’t afford a smart phone. Kim just kept her head down and tried to ignore them.

At the end of the day, my friend gave me a ride home from school. A short time after she dropped me off, I got a frantic phonecall from her. She told me that she had been driving down the road when she saw Kim on the sidewalk, walking home.

Suddenly, a car stopped and some people got out. They were dressed all in black and were wearing masks. They grabbed Kim and shoved her into the trunk. Then, they drove off at high speed.

My friend told me she had been so shocked that she followed the car and it led her to a house in the countryside that looked as if it was abandoned. At that point, she said the masked people in the car got out and noticed her, so she just kept on driving until she got home.

“Even though they were wearing masks, I’m sure it was the bullies,” she said. “I hope they don’t hurt her.”

“They’ll probably just beat her up again,” I replied. “Let’s not get involved. If we say something, the bullies might come after us next.”

My friend agreed to keep quiet about what she had seen.

The next day, at school, Kim didn’t show up for class. I nudged my friend and said, “Don’t you think it’s weird that Kim hasn’t showed up to school?”

“Yeah, maybe they beat her up really bad,” she said. “Do you think we should do something?”

“Mandy will probably know what happened,” I replied. “We can pay her a visit.”

At the end of the day, we asked around to see if anyone knew where Mandy lived. I kept asking until someone finally told me. My friend and I drove to Mandy’s house and knocked on the front door.

Mandy’s mom answered the door. Her face was red and tears were running down her face. When we asked if we could speak to Mandy, her mom broke down and told us that Mandy had committed suicide the night before. She didnt know why. My friend and I looked at each other, shocked to hear this horrible news.

As we were leaving, I told my friend to take me to the abandoned house were she saw Kim being taken. When we got there, the door was unlocked. We looked around to make sure nobody was watching us. No one was in sight so we went inside.

Just as we opened the door, a disgusting, nasty smell hit us in the face. I had to hold my breath. Taking a look around, we saw a lot of trash strewn across the floor. There were old papers, empty beer bottles and dirty blankets. As we started going down the stairs to explore the basement, the smell kept getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, when we got to the bottom of the steps, we waited for our eyes to adjust to the darkness. Suddenly, my friend let out a high-pitched scream and I was horrified to see Kim’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood. Her face had been stabbed repeatedly and her body had been sliced open. We saw her insides just laying on the floor and her legs and arms were nowhere to be found.

I saw Kim’s cell phone lying on a chair, so I picked it up and looked at the screen. Reading the text messages, I realized that Kim had been texting Mandy when she was in the trunk of the car. These were the last messages between them:

Kim: Mandy I think I’m gonna die.

Mandy: Why????

Kim: The bullies have got me. They threw me in the trunk of their car. I overheard them talking about killing me.

Mandy: OMG! CALL THE COPS!!!!!

Kim: It’s no use. I’m tired of living like this. I’m done living in hell. I love you, Mandy. You’re my best friend. I’ll miss you.

Mandy: I love you too Kim. You’re like the sister I never had. If you die, I die. When we leave this earth, we won’t have to suffer anymore.

Kim: Bye. I’ll see you in heaven.

When I read the last message, I burst into tears. If only someone had stepped in when it really mattered… If only someone had been courageous enough to stand up to the bullies, these two girls would still be alive today. But nobody helped them. Nobody even tried. I witnessed all the bullying myself, but I kept silent. I was too scared. If only I had said something… If only I had told somebody, maybe I could have saved them.

My friend and I went straight to the police and told them what we had found. The bullies were arrested that evening and the evidence on Kim’s phone was all they needed to put them away for the rest of their lives.

To this day, the deaths of Kim and Mandy still haunt me. I can’t forget them, no matter how hard I try. Every day, I ask myself, “Why? why didn’t I say something?”

(AshleyIsToDope says: Its my first story. Hope someone likes it.)

scary for kids


  • Tbh this makes me more MAD than sad… 😡
    If this was me this is how it would go down…
    Bullies: hahahahah loser
    Me: oh hey i just realised i accidentally brought this new AXE to school. Mind if i test it out? Dont worry this shouldn’t take too long °u°
    News reporter: a group of bullies wad murdered! But we cant find the killer! But its no biggie since nobody cared about them anyways.
    😔 makes me feel better for some weird reason.. Btw everyone is my friend and im really kind by nature. But get on my bad side and i will make your life HELL! °u°

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