Scary For Kids
Seven Sisters

Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters Inn is a haunted Bed & Breakfast in Ocala, Florida. It is actually two Victorian houses, one purple and one pink.

Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters Inn has a haunted history and the hotel was investigated by Ghost Hunters in 2008. TAPS discovered during a K2 session, that something was making the K2 light up in a childish manner.

Jason climbed up the stairs and was shocked when reached the top, to see a small dark figure running from room to room. Afterwards, he found that one of his shoes was missing. They searched the house for almost half and hour and finally found it in the middle of a room they weren’t shown during the tour.

They heard strange voices and spotted unexplained shadows. They also claimed to be able to trace the outline of a ghostly figure sitting in a chair. TAPS had a few personal experiences of the supernatural but didn’t find much hard evidence of haunting. So, is the Seven Sisters Inn haunted? Spend a night there and find out.

Visitors to the Seven Sisters Inn have reported seeing the ghostly figures of a mysterious dressed-up woman, a young boy and an old man. Guests have seen a woman wearing white passing through doors and closets and checking them out in the bathroom.

At night, they have heard shouts, countless footsteps and the slamming of doors. The ghosts can be playful too. They like to move furniture, flip lights on and off or just move some items to another room.

scary for kids


  • this story is cool,but not very long.would have liked some more detail plz.Meanwhile…………im 3rd!!!!! whoopeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

  • Can i play with the ghosts? Oh wait! I remember that i cant see them! lol maybe your right spiralz and ghosts, WHY SEVEN SISTERS!

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