Scary For Kids

Scary Man

The Scary Man is a creepy poem.

Scary Man

The Scary Man

In the desolate depths of a perilous place
the scary man lurks, with a snarl on his face.
Never dare, never dare to approach his dark lair
for he’s waiting, just waiting to get you.

He skulks in the shadows, relentless and wild
in his search for a tender and edible child.
With his razor sharp claws and his slavering jaws
and he’s waiting, just waiting to get you.

Many have entered his dreary domain
but not even one has been heard from again.
They made a fine feast for this butchering beast
and he’s waiting, just waiting to get you.

In that sulphurous, sunless and sinister place
he’ll crumple your bones in his scary embrace.
Never never go near if you hold your life dear,
Now you know what he’ll do when he gets you!

scary for kids


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