Scary For Kids

Riddles For Kids

Here are some riddles for kids. See if you can figure out the solution to each puzzle. As usual, you will find the answers to these riddles in the comments.

Riddles For Kids

Riddle 1. Christmas Presents

On Christmas day, a young boy finds three presents under the Christmas tree. Opening the first present, he finds a pair of shoes and begins to cry. Opening the second present, he finds a soccer ball and cries even harder. Opening the third present, he finds a pair of bicycle shorts. He buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing. Outside, Santa Claus is having a big laugh. Why?

Riddle 2. Locked Room

In a locked room, a man is found hanging by the neck from the ceiling. His feet are not touching the ground. The room is completely empty. There are no tables or chairs or anything else. There is a puddle of water under his feet. How did the man kill himself?

Riddle 3. Murdered Sister

A woman proves in court that her husband was murdered by her sister. Even though the judge finds the sister guilty of murder, he can’t send her to prison. Why?

Riddle 4. Doctor

A man is driving down a highway with his son in his car. They get into a car accident and both are critically injured. Two ambulances from two different hospitals arrive. The man is taken to one hospital and his son is taken to another hospital. The doctor walks into the operating room, looks at the boy, and says, “I can’t operate on this boy. He is my son.” How can this be?

Riddle 5. Hole in the Suit

A man was just doing his job when he accidentally tore a hole in his suit. Three minutes later, he was dead. Why?

Riddle 6. Frog

There is a frog, dead in the middle of an island. If he swims north, the distance to the mainland is 2 meters. If he swims south, the distance to the mainland is 3 meters. If he swims east or west, the distance is 4 meters. Which way should he swim?

Riddle 7. Desert

Two men are lying in the desert. Both of them are wearing backpacks. One man is alive and the other is dead. The backpack of the man who is alive is open. The backpack of the dead man is closed. How did he die?

Riddle 8. Tracks in the Snow

The police find a dead man lying in a field of snow. The man was murdered. The police find a set of tire tracks leading away from the field. They follow the tracks to a nearby farm. At the farmhouse, they find an old man and a disbaled woman sitting on the porch. They question the man and woman and discover that neither of them can drive. Then they arrest the woman for murder. Why did they arrest her?

Riddle 9. Holiday

A married couple flew to Florida on holiday. They booked into a nice hotel. During the vacation, the husband was murdered. The police searched the couple’s hotel room and found a camera, a plane ticket and a bottle of sun-tan lotion. The police immediately arrested the wife. How did they she murdered her husband?

Riddle 10. Three Rooms

10. A man is captured and condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first room is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in three years. Which room should he choose?

Riddle 11. Who Was the Killer?

There was a rich man who lived in a mansion with his wife and servants. One Sunday morning, the man was murdered in his study. The police came to question his wife and his servants. The wife said she was asleep in the bedroom at the time of the murder. The cook said she was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The butler said he was in the dining room, polishing the silver. The maid said she was in the driveway, collecting the mail. The gardener said he was in the garden, picking vegetables. Who murdered the rich man?

scary for kids


  • 1. The boy has no legs.

    2. The man stood on an ice cube.

    3. They are Siamese twins.

    4. The doctor is the boy’s mother.

    5. The man is an astronaut in outer space.

    6. The frog can’t swim anywhere. It’s dead.

    7. The backpacks are parachutes, and the dead man didn’t deploy his.

    8. The woman is disabled, so she is in a wheelchair. The tire tracks came from her wheelchair.

    9. The police only found one plane ticket. The wife planned on leaving on her own.

    10. The man should pick the door with the lions because if they haven’t eaten in 3 years, they’re dead.

    11. The maid killed him. There is no mail on Sundays.

  • @donkeywithagmail your answer sucks! but it made me laugh so hard so thank you :)

  • 1. He has NO legs. He can’t kick a soccer ball, Wear bicycle shorts, Or Wear shoes.
    2. The man was standing on a block of ice, He tied the noose around his neck and when the ice melted, he suffocated.
    3. The sisters are Siamese Twins, (Conjoined Twins). He can’t send one to jail without sending the other one.
    4. The doctor couldn’t operate on the boy because the boy was the women doctors son.
    5. The guy was in space. He can’t breathe if he tore a hole in his space suit.
    6. The frog cannot swim. The frog is dead. ( Plays “In the arms of the angel”).
    7. The other mans parachute didn’t successfully open. So he died. The other mans parachute successfully opened so he lived.
    8. The women was in a wheelchair. The tracks were wheelchair tracks, She murdered the man.
    9. The wife only had a ticket for herself. No one else could go with the women.
    10. He should of chosen the third room, Lions who haven’t eaten in three years are dead.
    11. The maid is the murderer. There is NO mail on Sundays.

  • Come on guys, these are very easy riddles here and yet you guys got it all wrong. Here are the real answers:

    1. The kid is a brat and he cries because he didn’t get the latest Iphone Six, that’s why Santa is laughing because brats crying are funny to see.
    2. Before he hanged himself, he told someone to remove the chair and there was a bucket of water in that chair so it spilled under him when he hanged himself.
    3. Because the Feminists give the world a new order that girls will never be arrested expect men. That’s why, since Feminists are working for power
    4. She’s the Grandmom!
    5. He was a fashion show-off, when his suite rip off he got scared for life and die of that.
    6. South, because it’s warmer in the south.
    7. They’re enemies in Iraq, the guy pulled out his bomb rifle out of his backpack and killed the other guy.
    8. After Feminist give the new order, the men fought back and change it the other way.
    9. “How did they she murdered her husband” Sorry, I don’t know what that word means. The answer to this is unknown but I can say she murder him because the husband used all the sun-tan lotion.
    10. The second room because that’s a quick way to die without pain.
    11. The wife and the cook. The cook because he was preparing breakfast which the food is the guts of the guy. The wife because the story said she a cannibal so it must be her!

    See how obvious that was guys? Just be smart next time.

  • I have heard these before…. feeling so cool by reading this again. My memoirs are refreshed again… :)

  • 1. The boy has no legs, and so he can’t wear shoes/shorts, or kick a soccer ball.
    2. He stood on a block of ice, tied the noose around his neck, and waited for the ice to melt. When it melted, he couldn’t touch the ground, and he suffocated.
    3. The sister and the woman are Siamese twins. The judge can’t send one of them to jail without sending the other one as well.
    4. The doctor was a woman!
    5. He was an astronaut. If your space suit has a hole in it when you’re in space, you’ll die.
    6. He’s dead, so he can’t swim. Also, you can’t swim when you’re on land.
    7. The backpacks had parachutes in them. The dead man didn’t/couldn’t open his, so he died.
    8. The disabled woman was in a wheelchair. The tire tracks were wheelchair tracks.
    9. She ordered a round-trip ticket for herself and a one-way ticket for her husband, because she knew he wouldn’t be going back…
    10. The third one – lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years would be dead!
    11. The maid, because there’s no mail on Sunday.

  • 2.he stood on the ice.
    4.the doctor was his mother.
    7.their was parachute in the backpacks.
    11.the maid is the murderer theirs no mail on Sunday.

  • #1~He has no legs
    #2~Block of ice
    #3~The title is murdered sister, she must have been murdered by the other sister
    #4~The doctor is his mother
    #6~He was shot?
    #7~The frog is already dead
    #8~His parachute didn’t open
    #9~She was in a wheelchair
    #10~Only one ticket was there
    #11~The lions are already dead
    #12~Mail doesn’t come on Sunday so it’s the maid

  • 1.The boy has no legs
    2. Hmmmm……maybe he stood on a block of ice
    3.The lady and her sister are siamese twins?
    4. I have heard this riddle. She is the mother of the kid
    5. No idea
    6. How can a frog swim if he’s dead!
    7. Ummm….confused
    8. The lady was in wheel chair
    9. The wife only had one ticket
    10.lions are dead. Chose the third room, man!
    11. Arrest the maid. No mails on sunday
    Yay! Awesome riddles

  • Answers: The 1st, electrocuted as there is a power cut.
    The 2nd, Whatever your name is as you’re the bus driver.
    And last, but not least, the one which neither me, or my brothers got when dad told us.
    The answer is he was a fisherman, so he was chatting to his mate and said, “I caught a fish that was THIS big!” Then he stretched his arms out and smashed the glass by accident and bled to death.

  • I know a few riddles!

    There’s a power cut and you’re caught steeling. You’re condemned to death. You get to choose which way you die out of being shot, stabbed or electrocuted. Which do you you choose?

    Say you’re a bus driver. You go to Belfast, pick up 12 passengers, travel to Dublin, drop 9 passengers off, collect 24, go to Belfast again, drop off 24 passengers and go to a city center and drop the remaining passengers off. What’s the bus driver’s name?

    There is a man who is dead in a phone box, the glass is smashed but he was alone. Nobody shot him, nobody killed him. The phone is dangling down and he’s a fisherman. How did he die?

  • The one where the doctor’s the mum, I knew that one because my brother has told me it multiple times.

  • Damn all of you guys that commented the answers above,
    Just say that u copied sfk’s answers and changed it around

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