Scary For Kids

Optical Illusion Art

The art of illusion in famous paintings and lesser known works that trick the eye. The painting below is titled “Paranoiac Visage”. It was painted by the famous surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, in 1935.

Optical Illusion Art

Swans Reflecting Elephants

Swans Reflecting Elephants is an optical illusion painting by Salvador Dali.

Swans Reflecting Elephants

Forever Always

Forever Always is an optical illusion painted by Octavio Ocampo. It seems to be a portrait of an old couple looking at each other, but hidden in the painting are two men and a golden chalice.

Forever Always

Roses Illusion

The Roses Illusion is a painting by Donald Rust. Can you see the face hidden in the flowers?

Roses Illusion

Girl in a Chair

The girl in a chair is an optical illusion by Oleg Shuplyak, an artist from the Ukraine. This painting conceals the face of the famous surrealist artist, Salvador Dali.

Girl in a Chair

The Image Disappears

The Image Disappears is an optical illusion painted by Salvador Dali in 1938. At first, it seems to be a painting of a woman. On closer inspection, a man’s face appears. The woman’s arm forms a moustache, her head forms an eye and her skirt forms a beard.

The Image Disappears

A similar effect is found in this etching by an unknown artist.

The Image Disappears

Don Quixote

Visions of Don Quixote is an optical illusion painted by Octavio Ocampo. It is based on the famous novel by Miguel Cervantes and depicts the madness of Quixote and his battle against windmills.

Don Quixote

Octavio Ocampo also created a number of other paintings based on the same novel. This one is called Friendship of Don Quixote.

Don Quixote

This painting is titled Court of Quixote.

Don Quixote

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep is an optical illusion painting by Donald Rust. It depicts a flock of sheep in a country landscape, with a hidden face in the grass and stones.

Little Bo Peep

Woman’s Face

This painting of a woman’s face was done by Oleg Shuplyak, a Ukrainian artist who uses hidden images to turn his artworks into mind-blowing optical illusions. His speciality is creating portraits of people that use figures, objects and landscapes to give the oil paintings a double meaning.

Womans Face

Woman and Child

Woman and Child in Field with Movie Star is an optical illusion painted by Salvador Dali in 1941.

Woman and Child

Love Illusion

This Love Illusion was painted by Octavio Ocampo and is titled “The Kiss of the Sea”. The optical illusion seems to depict a branch on the ocean shore, but then reveals two faces kissing in the water.

Love Illusion

Old Age

Old Age, Adolescence, Infancy (The Three Ages) is a famous painting by Salvador that contains an optical illusion of a human face.

Old Age

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is an optical illusion painted by Octavio Ocampo. Can you see the hidden woman in the picture?

Romeo and Juliet

White Blouse

The white blouse the woman is wearing in this picture creates the visual illusion of two faces. It is a painting by Rafal Olbinski that was created for the cover of the book, She Stoops to Folly.

White Blouse

Landscape Painting

This landscape painting is an optical illusion that conceals a hidden face.

Landscape Painting

Mae West

The Face of Mae West was painted in 1934 by Salvador Dali. At the time, Mae West was a famous actress and Dali created an optical illusion in which an apartment created the image of her face.

Mae West

Dali actually drew up plans to create an actual room and, when the Salvador Dali museum was being constructed during the early 1970s, his Mae West Room was finally built to his specifications.

Mae West

Deaths Head

Ballerina in a Death’s Head is an optical illusion painted by Salvador Dali in 1939.

Deaths Head

Animal Face

This animal face painting by an uknown artist contains 28 animals. Can you find them all?

Animal Face

This painting was inspired by the works of a 16th Century Italian artist named Guiseppe Arcimboldo. Here is one example of his style.

Animal Face

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