Scary For Kids
Left Behind

Left Behind

Left Behind is a creepy story about a young woman who has a nagging feeling that she’s forgotten something and can’t remember what it was.

Left Behind

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that you’ve forgotten something? You know that feeling when you’ve left something behind, but you can’t remember what it was?

It was just after six when I left the office and walked to the bus stop. As I stood there, waiting for the bus to arrive, I had a strange sense of unease. I felt as if I had left something important behind, but I couldn’t think what it was.

Maybe its nothing, I tried to assure myself, but something was nagging at me. I felt like going back to check, but I was too tired. I just wanted to get home.

When the bus came, I piled in with the other passengers. As usual, all the seats were taken. I clung to the handrail as the bus lurched back and forth. I bumped into the man behind me and said, “I’m sorry” but he just looked away.

More and more, I felt that I had left something important at the office. The farther the bus carried me from the office, the more certain I became of it. I went over the day in my mind.

I thought about my creepy boss staring at me all day. I thought about the other secretaries gossiping about how he had a crush on me. I thought about the letters he told me to post. Had I forgotten them? Of course not. I thought about the meetings I had to schedule. Had I scheduled them? Of course.

I wracked my brain for some clue as to what I had forgotten. I told myself that I would feel better when I got home, the uneasy feeling wouldn’t leave me.

I got off the bus at my usual stop, but when I came to the lane that led to my house, I finally gave in.

It’s no use, I thought. This will be nagging at me all night. I have to go back to the office and see what it was that I overlooked.

As tired as I was, I made my way back to the bus stop, back to the office. I was just doing this to put my mind at ease.

As I got off the bus, I heard the clock strike seven. I walked quickly up the side street to the office and turned the key in the door.

Quickly, I ran up the stairs. When I opened the office door, I suddenly stopped in my tracks. To my horror, I recognized what it was I had left behind…

It was me.

My body was lying strangled on the floor.

scary for kids


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