Scary For Kids

Email Santa

How do you email Santa Claus. This letter to santa was written by a young girl named Mekeeda who lives in the UK. Her mother found it on her computer and when she read it, she forwarded it to the local newspaper. Soon, magazines and newspapers across the world were reprinting the letter and claiming that the girl had taken a timeless Christmas tradition for kids and brought it to a scary, creepy and disturbing new level.

Email Santa

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I don’t ask for much so if I don’t get at least two of these things I want, I will literally KILL you! Do you understand?! Oh, also, I will hunt down your reindeers, cook them and serve their meat to homeless people on Christmas Day.

Nobody wants that… So here’s what I want…

1. A blackberry

2. Austin Mahone or Justin Bieber (The real ones)

3. Money

4. Laura Knitted 33 Jumpter

5. High-top converses

Remember… Two of these, or you die!

Love from

Mekeeda Jahnell Austin XOXO

Afterwards, the young girl was interviewed and said, “I was angry because I thought I wasn’t going to get all the presents I wanted this year. Even though my mum found the note I still think I will get most of the things I want. I don’t see any problem with the email. I want all of these things and I don’t see why I shouldn’t get them…”

scary for kids


  • Hey come on now she may be crazy but at least she’s thinking of the homeless

  • I wonder how she’ll react when she figures out her mom buys all her gifts

  • Emil is spoild and needs anger mangement defo lol not scary at all xxxxx

  • Not scary at all but can anyone tell why on this earth the girl behaves like this? Spoiled brat, her mom should have noticed that!

  • correction Lostinwonderland…
    you dont threaten kill someone if you want something from them XD
    That girl is messed up like seriously justin bieber of all people XD
    I bet the girl is short…thats why shes short tempered…get it? Short…short tempered? oh forget it XD

  • what a brat!! you don’t threaten to kill someone if you don’t get something you want!!

  • Hello santa the pedo! yeah so I dont think you will get your presents cuz
    1. You are spoilt
    2. Santa doesnt care!
    3. I dont think I should give someone a presents with threats like that!
    4. Santa has a secret hide out everyone knows that!
    5. You are not being polite
    6. Your such a spoilt brat!
    8. Your mum cant afford these things!

  • Because you are a bad, spoiled girl, that’s why you shouldn’t get them. All this girl should get is a trip to a mental institution.

  • wow…the santa in that pic. looks like a pedo.
    ok…the high-top converse r cool and the only thing i would want on that list.
    but i don’t get the point of this…it’s not creepy or scary.

  • Hi everyone I just created my account omg I am so happy :) btw this story sure is scary

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