Scary For Kids

El Cucuy

El Cucuy is a scary Mexican urban legend about a creature who kidnaps children who don’t behave themselves. He is the Mexican boogeyman.

El Cucuy

According to Mexican folklore, El Cucuy is a small, hideous, hairy creature with glowing red eyes. He has big ears like a bat and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth like a barracuda.

The legend has been passed down over the years by word of mouth, from mother to child. Mexican parents often warn their children, “Behave yourself or El Cucuy will come and take you away.”

When night falls, El Cucuy comes. He hides in your closet or under your bed. He can take the shape of any dark shadow. He watches you silently and waits for his moment to pounce. Then, he will take you away to his lair, deep in the mountains, and devour you.

“I grew up a in a small town in Mexico. My mother used to tell me ghost stories when I was a child, but none of them scared me as much as el cucuy. One day, I was angry and I cursed at my mother. She got very quiet and she looked at me with fury burning in her eyes. Slowly and calmly, she said, “el cucuy te va a raspar los pies en la noche” which means “El Cucuy is going to scratch your feet tonight”. Something about the way she said it really scared me. That night, I went to bed and it took me nearly two hours to fall asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, I got out of bed and noticed that my feet were sore. I looked down and saw that both of my feet had long red scratches on them. It truly terrified me because I didn’t know if el cucuy was real or if my mother was so crazy that she scratched up my feet while I was asleep to teach me a lesson.”

scary for kids


  • My mother always told me that if I don’t go to sleep then Bogu will take me away. LOL! I guess it’s just the recreation. Till today, I got to bed after 1 am. Nothing has ever happened to me. This fact makes me laugh more.

  • We were scared of the cucuy when I was a child. He lives in haunted old houses. The cucuy is also the devil in Mexico. There are a lot of devil stories, like one where a very handsome man shows up at a rural dance and picks one girl to dance with all evening. People noticed he had patas de gallo, or chicken feet, and they told the girl not to dance with him. In the end she left with him, and is never seen again. Her shawl was found in the graveyard, and people figured he took her to hell with him.

  • Nice scary story…. I think it must be his mom who scratched him to teach a lesson…

  • Oh, my God… I remember my parents warned me about the Cucuy when I was little XD See, this is a great way to get kids to behave!

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