Scary For Kids

Devils Den

Devils Den in Gettysburg is one of the most haunted spots on the battlefield. It is a rocky area full of massive boulders that really does look like a lion’s den. Many sightings of ghosts have taken place here.

Devils Den

Devils Den was already a haunted spot even before the battle of Gettysburg. Native Americans say that another huge battle took place here many years before, earning the area the name “Devil’s Den”. Indian ghosts were said to haunt the place afterwards and some native americans believed that monsters lurked among the rocks.

During the Battle of Gettysburg, Devils Den was a death trap. Due to it’s unique layout, sharpshooters were able to hide behind the rocks in blind spots where they couldn’t be seen. From their natural hiding places, they were able to systematically take out hundreds of soldiers as they passed through the area.

In recent years, a woman reported being approached by a dirty, shoeless man while taking pictures of Devils Den. When she turned around to talk to him, he was gone. Many people have reported the encountering the exact same ghost themselves at Devils Den.

Other areas near Devils Den where ghosts have been encountered are Triangular Field, the Valley of Death, the Wheatfield, the Peach Orchard, and the Slaughter Pen. This entire part of the battlefield saw so much suffering and death that it seems to be infested with troubled ghosts and tragic spirits.

Pickett’s Charge saw the most vicous and deadly fighting of the Battle of Gettysburg. Confederate soldiers numbering more than twelve thousand were ordered to march across an open field directly into the fire of the Union troops. They kept marching and they kept falling. The numbers of dead were immense and devastating. If there is one particular site in Gettysburg which is the most haunted, it would be Picket’s Charge.

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