Scary For Kids

Dalhousie Castle

Dalhousie Castle is a haunted hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland, near the town of Bonnyrigg. It has a history of ghostly apparitions.

Dalhousie Castle

Dalhousie Castle was built in 1247 by the Ramsey clan, who lived there for 850 years. In the 16th Century, the castle was home to a teenage girl in the Ramsey family named Lady Catherine. She fell deeply in love with a young man who worked as a member of staff in the castle.

When her parents found out about the affair, they were outraged and forbade her from seeing the young man. In a state of utter despair, she locked herself in an upstairs chamber in the castle and refused to eat. After a year of this self-imposed imprisonment, Lady Catherine died of starvation.

Ever since that time, they say her ghost haunts Dalhousie Castle. It was converted to a hotel in 1974, and those who visit the old building often report strange occurences. People claim to have seen the ghostly figure of a girl dressed in grey roaming the castle.

Her lovelorn ghost has been spotted gliding down the stairs, lurking in the dungeons and floating along the corridors. In the year 2000, she was seen in an upstairs bedroom.

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