Scary For Kids

Crescent Hotel

The Crescent Hotel, located in historic Eureka Springs Arkansas, is often called America’s most haunted hotel and it’s famously haunted room is number 218.

Crescent Hotel

The Crescent Hotel was built in 1886 and has served as a hotel, experimental cancer hospital, and community college over its history. Abandoned for several years in the 1940s the hotel was restored to its Victorian opulence in 1972.

Employees of the hotel are accustomed to odd sightings. Several spirits seem to have taken up permanent residence there – that of a woman roaming the hallways and another of a little boy displacing cookware and cutlery in the Crystal Dining Room kitchen.

While hauntings have been reported throughout the hotel, room 218 is perhaps the most famously haunted area. The room is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of a stonecutter named Michael who fell to his death in the area where the room is today. Reports of toilets flushing on their own, lights flashing on and off and guests waking in the middle of the night feeling an unseen hand pushing on their backs are quite common.

The Crescent Hotel gained national notoriety in recent years after being featured on the SciFi Channel’s show Ghost Hunters and given the hosts’ seal of approval as a legitimately haunted place. Infrared footage of a dark silhouette was captured during their investigation.

Crescent Hotel

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