Scary For Kids

Ballygally Castle

Ballygally Castle Hotel is one of the most haunted places in Northern Ireland. Built in 1625, it has been said that sometimes this hotel has more ghosts than guests.

Ballygally Castle

The most active ghost is the playful former resident, Lady Isobel Shaw, who amuses herself by knocking at the doors of different rooms and then suddenly disappearing. When she was alive, Isobel was locked in her room and starved by her husband because he wanted an heir and she was unable to have children. She lept to her death from a window in her bedroom. Her room is now called “The Ghost Room”.

Madame Nixon is another ghost who lived in the hotel in the nineteenth century. She can be heard walking around the hotel in her silk dress.

Two elderly guests booked in for several days over the Christmas season. On arrival they were intrigued to discover the staff were preparing for a fancy dress ball. That night there was a knock at the bedroom door and there stood one of the waiters clad in medieval costume. He had arrived to invite them to the ball. They went. And had a lovely evening surrounded by staff and other guests all bedecked in wonderful attire. The next morning at breakfast they enthused to the Manageress about what a wonderful evening it had been. Which came as a bit of a shock to the lady, for the ball had not taken place yet and was not due to take place for another two days. Needless to say the elderly guests booked out.

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