Scary For Kids

Wewe Gombel

Wewe Gombel is an Indonesian ghost who likes to kidnap children who are abandoned or neglected by their parents. In indonesia, parents warn children not to stay out late at night or Wewe Gombel will get them.

Wewe Gombel

Wewe Gombel is an evil spirit from Indonesia. She is a wrinkled old lady with a mouth full of fangs and large pendulous breasts that hang down to her knees. Those who have seen her say they look like giant papaya fruits.

Long ago, there was a married couple who lived in Indonesia. They loved each other and wanted to have a child together. However, as time went by, the husband came to realize that his wife was unable to have babies. He grew restless and neglected his wife. She was left alone for long periods of time and lived a miserable existence, filled with pain and sorrow.

One day, she followed her husband and caught him in the arms of another woman. She was so hurt and shamed by his betrayal that she suddenly flew into a violent rage and murdered him. When her neighbors discovered her terrible crime, they gathered an angry mob and chased her away from the village. They ostracized the woman and kept harassing her to the point where she was driven into despair and committed suicide.

After her death, she returned from the grave as an evil spirit they call Wewe Gombel. She began kidnapping children and bringing them back to her lair to keep her company. However, they say she does not harm the kids and she only abducts those who have been mistreated or neglected by their parents.

She treats the children lovingly, just like a grandmother would, taking care of them and protecting them. However, she forces them to suckle on her wrinkled breasts, no matter what age they are. Also, she feeds them human poop, which she fools them into eating by making it look like food. Not only that, but she smears mud all over their bodies and makes them think she has dressed them in expensive clothes.

If you don’t eat what Wewe Gombel gives you, she will hold your nose and shove it down your throat.

Wewe Gombel keeps the children in order to scare their parents and make them realize what they have done. As soon as the neglectful parents are sorry for the way they treated their children, she will return the kids unharmed.

scary for kids


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