Scary For Kids

Scary Creatures

The top 20 scary creatures from horror movies and TV shows.

The Funhouse

Scary Creatures

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (1973)

Scary Creatures

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)

Scary Creatures

The Deadly Spawn

Scary Creatures


Scary Creatures

The Thing

Scary Creatures


Scary Creatures

The Fly

Scary Creatures

Dead Birds

Scary Creatures

Scary Creatures

The Descent

Scary Creatures


Scary Creatures

Rawhead Rex

Scary Creatures

Basket Case

Scary Creatures

House (1986)

Scary Creatures

The Brain

Scary Creatures


Scary Creatures

The X-Files: The Host

Scary Creatures

The Beast Within

Scary Creatures

The Gate

Scary Creatures

Necronomicon: Book of the Dead

Scary Creatures

Boy from Little Monsters

Scary Creatures

scary for kids


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