Scary For Kids


The Pontianak is a ghost from Malaysian folklore. It is the ghost of a woman who died while she was pregnant. The Pontianak is very similar to the Kuntilanak in Indonesia and the Tiyanak in the Philippines.


A Pontianak is the ghost of a pregnant woman who died before she could give birth. It appears as an ugly woman with pale skin, long black hair, sharp nails and a white dress. The Pontianak makes a sound like a baby crying. If the cry is soft, it means that the Pontianak is close, and if it is loud, it means she is far away.

During the day, she hides in banyan trees and banana trees, but at night she goes in search of human prey. The Pontianak attacks men and drinks their blood. She can disguise herself as a beautiful young woman walking alone at night.

Just when you are least expecting it, she will transform back into a Pontianak and plunge her sharp fingernails into your stomach, ripping out your internal organs and devouring them whole. It can also suck your eyes out of your head.

The only way to stop a Pontianak is to hammer a nail into the hole at the back of her neck. This will make her into beautiful woman and she will be a good wife. However, if the nail is ever removed, she will return to her true form.

scary for kids


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