Scary For Kids

Pink Tights

The Pink Tights is a scary story about a young woman who is worried about a series of murders in which young women have been strangled.

Pink Tights

There was a young woman who lived alone in a studio apartment. It was just one large room with her bed at one end and the front door at the other.

Recently, she had heard rumors about a series of murders that happened in the apartment building. All of the victims were young women and they all lived alone. Each one had been strangled with a pair of pink tights. The killer left it wrapped around their necks like a calling card. The police had no idea who the killer was or how he managed to convince the victims to let him into their apartments at night.

The young woman was very worried. Every night, she made sure her door and her windows were securely locked and left one lamp on.

One night, at about 2AM, she was awakened by a faint noise. By the light of the lamp, she was able to see the doorknob on her front door was slowly turning. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that if she didn’t do something fast, she would be killed.

Thinking quickly, she grabbed a chair and tip-toed over to the front door. As it slowly opened, she hid behind it and waited. She was so scared, she was afraid to breathe in case he heard her. A shadowy figure stepped into her apartment and as soon as she saw him, she brought the chair crashing down on his head. She hit him again and again until he stopped moving.

The man was knocked unconscious and she quickly raised the alarm, shouting for her neighbors to come and help her. Then, she called the police. When they took off the unconscious man’s mask, the young woman recognized him. It was her landlord. In his pocket, they found a pair of pink tights and a key ring that had a key to every apartment in the building.

scary for kids


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  • Landlord: *tries strangling with pink tights*
    Me : WAIT STOP!
    Me: can you strangle me with red or blue tights? I hate pink.
    Landlord: okay lemme go to the store brb.*make way to door*
    Me: not on my watch! *runs up to landlord and pushes him out of way* BOOM BIT*C GET OUT THE WAY, GET OUT THE WAY BIT*H GET OUT THE WAY.

  • What the hell is this? Was there anything paranormal,? Seriously sfk you are just posting random stories to fill your website!!!! Really boring….. You will get flopped soon.

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