Scary For Kids
Peko Chan


Peko-chan is a scary Japanese urban legend about the mascot of a company that sells a brand of candy called “Milky”. Peko-chan is a very popular mascot in Japan. Her doll can be seen at the front of many shops and her smiling face is on every packet of candy.


Peko-chan is the mascot of a Japanese company called Fujiya which produces candy called “Milky”. The company’s slogan is “Milky tastes like Mama”.

Peko-chan is a young girl with chubby cheeks, pigtails and a red ribbon in her hair. She is always seen with a big smile on her face, licking her lips.

According to the urban legend, the real story behind Peko-chan is very disturbing. They say that Peko-chan was modelled on a young girl who died during World War II.

The girl was named Peko and she was 6 years old. She lived with her mother in a small Japanese village. During the war, there was a tremendous food shortage in Japan. The mother and child were starving and there was nothing to eat. They had to drink muddy water just to stay alive and gnaw on grass and the roots of trees just to keep their hunger at bay.

Peko’s mother couldn’t bear to see her daughter suffering, so she took a knife, cut off part of her own arm and offered it to Peko to eat.

Peko-chan had never tasted anything so good in her life. Afterwards, she couldn’t forget the sweet taste of her mother’s flesh. She proceeded to kill her mom and eat her mother’s entire body. Consumed by the taste of human flesh, Peko-chan continued life as a cannibal.

They say that the reason her tongue is out is because she’s licking her mother’s blood off her cheeks. The name of the candy is “Milky”, but when you rearrange the sounds, it becomes “Kill Me”, which were her mother’s final words. That’s also why the slogan of the company, when translated from Japanese, is “Milky tastes like mama”.

The Fujiya company also has another mascot named Poco-chan. He is a young, smiling boy who always wears a blue hat. He is said to be Peko-chan’s boyfriend.


According to the urban legend, Poco was a 7-year old boy who lived in Peko-chan’s neighborhood. After devouring her mother, Peko-chan was still hungry. She attacked Poco, breaking open his skull in order to eat his brains. Poco was in such pain that he committed suicide by biting off his own tongue and swallowing it.

They say that the reason Poco-chan never has his tongue out in pictures is because he doesn’t have one and the reason he always wears a blue hat is to hide his broken skull and exposed brains.

scary for kids


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