Scary For Kids


Johnny is a sad story about a young boy who dies. It is based on a true story.


My mom had three children. There’s me and my older brother, but before either of us were born, there was Johnny. He was a nice little kid, with blond hair and big blue eyes. He was good at school, liked playing sports and occasionally, he would overhear my dad swearing and then blurt out those swear words in church.

Johnny had a best friend named Nicky. They lived across the street from each other, but they weren’t allowed to cross the street on their own. Because they lived so close, they would just stand at the street corner and shout across to each other.

One day, when Johnny was 6 years old, he was riding his bike outside. He accidentally fell and hit his head on a rock. When he got up, he said he felt fine. The next morning, when my mom tried to wake him up for school, she found him lying unconscious in bed. She immediately called and ambulance and he was air-lifted to the nearest hospital.

At exactly the same time, Nicky was sitting in his kitchen, eating his breakfast. All of a sudden, he got up from the table. When his mom asked him what he was doing, he said he heard Johnny calling for him and ran out to the front door.

Just then the phone rang and his mother answered it. The call was from my mom, telling her that Johnny was dead. He had a brain aneurism that was triggered by the fall and he passed away in hospital. Nicky’s mother couldn’t believe her ears and was wondering how she would break the news to her son.

When Nicky came back a few minutes later, he said that he heard Johnny calling to him but when he went out, he wasn’t at the street corner. Then, he sat down and continued eating his cereal. His mother was speechless for a moment. Then, she asked, “What was Johnny saying?”

Nicky said, “He came to say Goodbye.”

My mom told me this story when I was young. I wish I could have met Johnny, but truthfully, if he hadn’t died, I wouldn’t be here to type this story. You see, my mother only wanted two kids. Johnny’s death is the reason I was given a chance to live, and sometimes I feel like he died for me.

scary for kids


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