Scary For Kids

Funny Illusions

Funny optical illusions and eye tricks to boggle your mind.

Funny Illusions

Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes

Rear End

Rear End

This pic shows a girl standing behind a horse. Or does it?

Changing Clothes

Changing Clothes

Did these girls accidentally catch their friend changing clothes? No. One girl’s armpit just looks strangely like a butt.

Plus Size Woman

Plus Size Woman

Did this plus size woman go to a party and forget her clothes? No. Her friend just has really fat arms.

Hairy Shoulders

Hairy Shoulders

Does this girl have really hairy shoulders? No. Her male friend has a really hairy knee.

Ironing a Shirt

How to Iron a Shirt

If you want to know how to iron a shirt, don’t do what this guy does.

Nuns in Habits

Nuns in Habits

These Catholic nuns in habits are dressed a little too risque.

Puke and Vomit Illusions

Puke and Vomit

Puke and Vomit

scary for kids


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