Scary For Kids

Death Trap Game

Death Trap is a free scary point-and-click adventure game to play online. You’ve just woken up and find yourself somewhere unfamiliar. You have a feeling that something is very wrong. This isn’t your home! You’ve got to get out of here. There must be an explanation for all of this… Somewhere… Somehow…

In Death Trap, you take on the role of a man named Ray Melali. You discover that you are in a mansion filled with microphones and cameras. Someone is watching you from behind the walls. You are given an ultimatum… Get out alive or don’t get out at all. The house is riddled with death traps and the sicko behind the walls is in complete control.

You must collect items, find secret locations and complete puzzles before you can progress… and find a way out of this DEATH TRAP.

scary for kids


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