Scary For Kids

Creepy Images

Creepy Images and pictures of scary things found lying around the house, dug up in the garden, stored away in basements and many other places.

1. My friend put up this Halloween decoration. He made it himself, based on The Grudge.

Creepy Images

2. This is a stain on the skylight in my parents’ house.

Creepy Images

3. My neighbor’s kid likes to make elaborate snowmen.

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4. During the winter, the pipes in our school basement leaked and this is the icicle that formed.

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5. My husband really loved his grandmother. After she died, he had her glass eye made into a ring.

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6. My 4-year old son was crying into his blanket and this is what he left.

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7. I looked into my bucket of popcorn and I think the popcorn was looking back at me.

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8. My little cousin makes photocopies of his toys and leaves them lying around the house.

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9. I took the elevator down to the basement in work today and this is what I saw.

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10. This figure just formed in my lava lamp last night.

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11. My mom and I were going through old photos of me as a child and we came across this.

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12. The warnings on cigarette packets are kind of creepy…

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13. I found this in the basement at my workplace.

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Creepy Images

Creepy Images

14. This turned up while I was digging in the garden.

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15. My son made this card at school for Easter.

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16. I was trying to print out a photo of Nicholas Cage, but something went badly wrong…

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17. My son pulled all the fur off his Tickle-Me-Elmo doll.

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18. When I was a kid, my mom bought this and told me it was my new little brother.

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19. This was the Christmas display at my local mall.

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20. My friend found this in the woods behind his house.

Creepy Images

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