Scary For Kids

Comic Book Covers

The best Horror comic book covers of all time. All of these comics are in high demand among comic collectors and people pay enormous amounts to get their hands on them.

1. Crime SuspenStories 22

Comic Book Covers

May 1954. This is the most infamous and notorious horror comic of all. It led to a campaign to save children from the evils of horror comics. A Comics Code Authority was formed and horror comics were censored for decades afterwards. The story that goes with this cover is “In Each and Everyh Package”. A man chops up his wife and buries her remains in his backyard. He is picked to be a contestant on a quiz show called ‘Treasure Hunt’ and the host tells him that they’re digging up his backyard to hide the prize money.

2. Black Cat Mystery 50

Comic Book Covers

June 1954. This cover became notorious as well. It shows a man’s face and hands disintegrating due to radiation poisoning. It’s spectacular, graphic and disgusting but, in reality, nothing like this would happen. The radium would just feel warm. Unfortunately, the story that goes with this cover makes no sense. It’s called “White Heat” and it’s about a man whose wife is sick. He needs money to pay for her operation, so he steals some radium and sells it. However, his wife dies because the radium he stole was supposed to be used in her operation.

3. Tomb of Terror 15

Comic Book Covers

May 1954. Don’t you hate it when you’re talking to somebody and their face suddenly explodes. The story is called “Break Up” and it’s about a woman whose husband spends all his time building robots that look just like him. One night, she goes into his lab and throws one of the robots into a vat of acid. The next day, she goes for a drive with her husband and they get into a crash. When the woman wakes up, all she sees are broken robot pieces where her husband was sitting.

4. Weird Mysteries 5

Comic Book Covers

June 1953. This is one of the most grotesque covers of all time and collectors refer to it as the “Monkey Brain” issue. The comic also contains a classic Basil Wolverton story called “Swamp Monster”.

5. Witches Tales 25

Comic Book Covers

June. This guy’s face rings a bell. Another gruesome cover where the bell in a belfry is replaced with a severed head. The crazed bell-ringer is obviously enjoying himself.

6. Chamber of Chills 23

Comic Book Covers

May. Ever been kissed…by a corpse? The story that goes with this cover is called “Heartline”. A brilliant surgeon attempts to bring his dead girlfriend back to life by replacing her heart with that of a corpse. Unfortunately, when she wakes up, she falls in love with the corpse instead.

7. Strange Tales 28

Comic Book Covers

May 1954. The story that goes with this cover is “Come Share My Coffin”. Prisoners are escaping by sneaking into coffins with the dead and being dug up later. The prison warden convinces a guard to be buried so they can stop the escapes. When the coffin is buried, the guard lights a match and screams in horror when he realizes that the body he is buried with is the prison warden.

8. Adventures into Weird Worlds 6

Comic Book Covers

May 1952. The story that goes with the cover is “Step into the House of Horror” in which a paranormal investigator and a reporter visit a haunted mansion. They encounter a hideous ghost and it touches the man and disappears. When he looks in the mirror he sees that his reflection has transformed into a hideous skeletal freak.

9. Mysterious Adventures 19

Comic Book Covers

This comic shows the terrible consequences of drunk driving. If you accidentally kill some teenagers, they will come back as skeletons, hijack your car and drive you to your doom.

10. Ghostly Weird Stories 122

Comic Book Covers

Mar 1954. The story is “Death Ship” in which a spaceship captain and his crew burn to death as a star goes nova.

11. Haunt of Fear 8

Comic Book Covers

A man opens up a mysterious package and finds his friend’s shrunken, severed head.

12. Spellbound 14

Comic Book Covers

13. Vault of Horror 30

Comic Book Covers

14. Haunted Thrills 9

Comic Book Covers

May 1953. A witch boils some severed heads in her cauldron.

15. Tales from the crypt 22

Comic Book Covers

The corpse of a murdered man emerges from the grave to pull his killer in. The story is “The Thing from the Grave”.

16. This Magazine is Haunted 4

Comic Book Covers

17. Mister Mystery 7

Comic Book Covers

18. Venus 19

April, 1952. The Kiss of Death. Those sneaky skeletons will try anything to trick you into kissing them.

19. Out of the Night 6

Dec-Jan. “The Ghoul’s Revenge” “All I need to do is touch you like this and change you to a Creature from the Beyond.”

20. Tormented 1

July 1954. “No! No! I’m not dead, I tell you! I’m not!”

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