Scary For Kids

Clown Doll

The Clown Doll is a scary urban legend about a little girl named Molly whose parents buy her a new doll as a present. This story is also known as “The Molly Dolly”, “Doll Fingers” and “Six Fingers”.

Clown Doll

There was a 7-year old girl named Molly who absolutely loved dolls. She collected every doll she could and displayed them on a shelf in her bedroom. She wasn’t doing very well in school, so her parents told her that if her grades improved, they would buy her a new doll as a reward.

Molly was motivated to try her best and, a few weeks later, her report card arrived from school. She had studied so hard that she managed to get straight As. Her mother and father were delighted and decided to make good on their promise.

The next morning, Molly’s mother brought her to the mall so they could go shopping for her gift. As they passed by the window of a second-hand toy store, the little girl grabbed her mother’s arm and asked if they could go inside.

When they entered the shop, the woman told her daughter she could choose any item she wanted, no matter what price it was. Molly wandered up and down the aisles of the dusty old toy shop until she eventually came to the doll section. On the top shelf, partially obscured by dusty old boxes, was something that immediately caught her eye.

It was a clown doll with red hair, yellow eyes and a big red nose. The clowns’s wizened face was twisted into a malicious grimace and it’s teeth were sharp and jagged. One of the clown’s gnarled hands was clenched in a fist, but the other was holding up three fingers.

Molly turned to her mother and squealed, “Mommy, this is the one I want!”

“Are you sure?” asked her mother incredulously. “But, it’s so ugly and creepy.”

The little girl nodded excitedly. “I want it I want it I want it!”

“Well alright then,” said her mother as she took the clown doll down from the shelf and brought it over to the counter.

The owner of the store took one look at the doll and said, “I’m sorry, Madam. That clown doll is not for sale.”

“What? Whyever not?” exclaimed the surprised woman.

The owner refused to answer.

The mother looked down and saw her daughter’s eyes welling up with tears. She began arguing with the shopkeeper and offered him more and more money but he kept refusing.

Eventually, she said, “I’ll pay you a hundred dollars!” and held out the money in front of him.

The owner’s eyes grew wide. He hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the moeny greedily and said, “OK, you can have it.”

He put the clown doll in a bag and gave it to the mother. As Molly and her mother walked out of the shop, the owner called out after them

“Just one thing,” he said. “Never leave your daughter alone with that doll.”

The mother and daughter didn’t pay any attention to him and left, happy with their purchase.

When they got home, Molly immediately rushed into the living room. The girl was overjoyed with her present and spent the rest of the day playing happily with her clown doll while her mother watched television. As the little girl played with the doll, she wondered why it was holding up three fingers.

Later that night, when Molly went to bed, she placed the doll on the top shelf in her bedroom. Her mother kissed her goodnight and shut the bedroom door.

Bright and early the next morning, the mother was cooking breakfast and called out to Molly to wake her up. When she didn’t receive an answer after calling her for the third time, the mother began to get worried. She decided to go upstairs and get her daughter out of bed.

When she walked into Molly’s bedroom, she was horrified to find her daughter lying dead on the floor in a pool of blood. Her throat had been sliced open and her eyes had been poked out. There was a sharp knife embedded in her chest.

For a few moments, Molly’s mother began couldn’t believe what she was seeing. But when she looked down and saw the clown doll sitting beside her daughter’s mutilated body, she began screaming in horror. The clown doll was holding up four fingers.

scary for kids


  • why would she want an ugly, creepy clown doll out of all the cute animal dolls? clowns are creepy as hell. i think i might have coulrophobia after reading all these clown stories😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

  • I am terrified of clowns and out of every doll in the store she had to pick the creepy and ugly one… I’ve read this story before also known as six fingers or seven fingers… The mom should have listened and shouldn’t have left the doll alone with her daughter… Even tho she had to go to sleep the mother should have but it in the garage or somewhere else other than her daughters room…. Also the doll was holding up fingers for every murder he did.

  • The fingers represent the deaths the clown caused. I hate clownihbkhgiygjtdhtdjugjyfhtfjtfutf-help-jug judging,ijygrsgrfkuhkjyghtfuygkuhkh-me- the clown kygkhgkuhkj

  • My mom had a huge clown collection, I mean like at 200, and all different kinds. I told her that clowns were based on mimes, ( there white faces were supposed to represent death if you look up their origin) and that mimes are evil. My mom who is extremely religious, looked it up and the next day she got rid of every single one of them, I am Sooo happy…..I truly, truly HATE CLOWNS!!!!!

  • I knew it from the part where the clerk refused to sell it to them that he would kill her and hold up 4 fingers

  • All of my clown dolls love me.😉 I buy them when they have rips, holes, chipping paint and whatnot. I patch them up, name them, and add them to what I call my “Rescue collection.” I have other dolls like that too, not just clowns.

  • SUCH a rip off!!1 ive heard this before but with a realnice wood doll with a balck dress and the dollstuck nails in her joints when she didnt play with the doll. sorry for giving nightmares about that old porcelain doll in the closet :]

  • So the doll’s fingers will keep on increasing according to the murders

  • @BloodyKillers I hate them too e.e
    Once I was with my family n there was a clown giving away free balloons n I stared at him then refused to accept anything from him or it O.O

  • I agree with ghost freak! This is one of the most favorite sites of mine! THANK YOU SCARYFOR KIDS FOR BEING WID US ;)

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