Scary For Kids

Chinese Wedding

The Chinese Wedding photo is a scary picture of a man and his ghost bride. This is the story of a young man who was forced to marry a corpse. Read the text before you look at the photograph because it is said to be cursed.

Chinese Wedding

This photo was taken in the 1922, in a small village in China. The girl was 17 years old and came from a rich family. The young man was 19 years of age and was quite popular with girls because of his good looks.

They were engaged to be married, but before the wedding ceremony, the girl caught a fever and died. Her grieving family insisted that the young man go ahead with the marriage despite the fact that their daughter was dead.
He decided to run away and join the army instead, but the girl’s family had a lot of power and influence. They forced the young man to return and go through with the wedding ceremony.

When this photo was taken, it was midnight and the girl had been dead for six days. If you look closely at the picture, you will notice that the girl’s feet are not touching the ground. Also, there are two lines of Chinese characters behind them and one of the lines is written in reverse. This is because one of them is dead.

They say that if you stare at the photograph for a long time, you may see the girl smiling back at you. if you see her smile, bad things will happen to you.

scary for kids


  • @Fire Fist Ace me too we are so screwed. That is creepy I’m gonna stare at that picture until that woman smiles at me for some reason and I don’t know why. Time for me to say good bye to my life! /:(

  • This was pretty confusing.. why would you force a person to marry a dead woman?

  • its a good thing im 14. by the time im old enough to marry, hopefully marrying a corpse will be illegal.

  • @xX-Eat Rainbowz-Xx Don’t worry ypur not lonely I was too chicken to stare at the pic too.

  • i think SFK should make the animation so she would smile, and scare the hell out of the readers..

  • I saw the picture first & then started reading. When i read the line – “Read the text before you look at the photograph because it is said to be cursed.”, I was scared but then I read this – “They say that if you stare at the photograph for a long time, you may see the girl smiling back at you. if you see her smile, bad things will happen to you.”, I was glad I didn’t stare at it for a long time! Creepy!

  • It’s actually really sad that people are forced to marry at such young ages. :(

    But at my church school, when you’re 13 you have to participate in a mock marriage; however, all of the procedures in the mock wedding are the exact same as a real wedding, except it is held in a classroom and a teacher ‘marries’ a randomly selected couple instead of a priest or other holy figure. I did some research, and in my religion (Greek Orthodox), even without a priest, as long as all of the lines and rituals are the same as a legal marriage, it’s technically a real marriage. I’m 12, so this means that logically speaking, I’ll be a married woman in a year.

    I have less than 365 days left to enjoy my bachelorettacy. :(

  • He was forced to marry her even through she was dead? Wow! Btw I am too chicken to stare at the pictures :(

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