Scary For Kids

Childrens Drawings

Children’s Drawings from movies and real life. The picture below is a parody of The Ring from Scary Movie 3.

Childrens Drawings

1. Serena

Childrens Drawings

I asked my niece to draw her imaginary friend, “Serena”. She’s 4 years old and when she sleeps over, she and Serena play in the living room. She says Serena likes my house. I shudder to imagine what would happen if she didn’t…

2. Children of the Corn

Childrens Drawings

Childrens Drawings

These pictures are from the horror movie, Children of the Corn. A little girl has psychic visions and draws disturbing pictures of children killing adults in the town.

3. How Are You Doing in Hell

Childrens Drawings

This is a demented drawing done by my little brother Joey when he was 6 and my parents put him in a “timeout”.

4. Deep Red

Childrens Drawings

In the movie Deep Red, a man scrapes the plaster off a wall in an abandoned building and finds this creepy children’s drawing of a smiling boy stabbing a man to death.

5. The Big Crazy Tower of Death

Childrens Drawings

6. Insidious

Childrens Drawings

In the horror movie Insidious, a young boy draws this picture of the red-faced demon that is trying to steal his soul.

7. Dear Sarah

Childrens Drawings

When I was leaving for the Summer, my 6-year old sister drew this picture to tell me how much she loved me. She is crying over my grave, which (notice the shovel) she seems to have dug herself.

8. The Ring

Childrens Drawings

In the movie, The Ring, a little kid draws this prophetic picture of his cousin dead and buried in a grave.

9. If Alex Ever Rides a Bike Again

Childrens Drawings

This is a drawing done by a 6-year old boy named Jake. When his brother Alex made him mad one day, he drew this and placed it on his bed as a menacing warning.

10. Mama

Childrens Drawings

In the movie, Mama, two children draw these disturbing figures on the walls.

11. Two-Headed Monster

Childrens Drawings

12. Mikey

Childrens Drawings

In the movie Mikey (1992) an adopted boy draws this disturbing picture in school depicting a turkey slaughtering a man for Thanksgiving.


14. Sinister

Childrens Drawings

Childrens Drawings

Childrens Drawings

In the horror movie Sinister, a mysterious figure named Mr Boogie keeps showing up in the drawings of missing children.

15. Imaginary Friends

Childrens Drawings

My 3-year old daughter drew a hauntingly disturbing picture of her imaginary friends. She said, “They’re dead and I see them because they live with me.” She said the holes in their chests are from when they were shot dead.

16. Silent Night Deadly Night

Childrens Drawings

In Silent Night Deadly Night (1984) a disturbed little boy draws this grotesque Christmas scene.

17. The Dead Destroyed the World

Childrens Drawings

18. Silent Hill

Childrens Drawings

In the movie Silent Hill, a girl turns her cute drawings into creepy pictures like this:

19. God is With You

Childrens Drawings

A little kid sent this to soldiers serving overseas.

20. Dark Skies

Childrens Drawings

In Dark Skies (2013) three dark figures are found in drawings done by children who have disappeared.

21. Orphan

Childrens Drawings

In the horror movie, Orphan, the little girl paints pictures on the walls that can only be seen under a black light.

22. The Prophecy

Childrens Drawings

scary for kids


  • children are very clever… they can see the real ghost… so they can draw it…

  • I like it, haha! Creepy and disturbing but not entirely scary. Still pretty awesome, though!

  • For some reason, I laughed at “If Alex Ever Rides His Bike Again.” I don’t know why, but I just find it funny how little innocent kids can seem SO threatening sometimes… Its just funny, thinking of it, but at the same time it is also creepy…

  • Hey SFK! No pressure but i am like waiting for 3 days to read a new story… So… Waiting…

  • Ooo Serena. Hey, anyone here about that indie film “It Follows”?
    It freaked out critics! I’m gonna see it.

  • Y does the drawings for the prophecy and orphan look the same…and didn’t the orphan turn out to not be a child?

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