Scary For Kids

Candy From Strangers

Don’t Take Candy From Strangers is a creepy story for kids about a young girl who accepts some sweets from a strange man.

Candy From Strangers

Candy From Strangers

There was a young girl named Alina who loved to eat sweets. One day, on her way home from school, she passed by a man selling candy on the side of the street. His cart was packed with all sorts of mouth-watering treats. Alina didn’t have any money, but the man told her he would give her some candy for free.

The delighted girl gladly accepted his generous offer and ran home with her bag of candy. She gobbled it down and within minutes the bag was empty. Not long afterwards, she began to experience painful abdominal cramps. It felt as if her belly was on fire. The shooting pains in her stomach grew worse as the night wore on.

By bedtime, Alina couldn’t stand the pain any longer and her father took her to the local hospital. In the emergency room, the doctors examined her, but couldn’t figure out the source of the problem. After taking an X-ray, they were shocked. Her stomach was inexplicably missing and there was a large, dark mass in her belly. The surgeons decided they had to operate immediately.

They placed her under local anasthetic and performed surgery on her stomach, cutting her open with a scalpel. They were horrified when they peered into her belly and found a hairy creature lurking inside. It was the size of a fist and had huge, sharp teeth and an unpleasant odor.

The surgeons extracted the mysterious creature with a tongs and placed it in a glass jar. It was then sent to the laboratory for analysis. The damage the thing had done to the girl’s insides was immense. It had eaten Alina’s entire stomach, leaving just an empty space.

The only thing the surgeons could do was attach her esophagus to her small intestine, bypassing the stomach completely. This meant that, for the rest of her life, whatever she ate went in one end and came out the other.

So, be careful. Don’t take candy from strangers.

scary for kids


  • If I was her I be like “NOPE IM OUTTA HERE!” And I would never trust a stranger cuz they might take me hostage lol but seriously Alina should have thought about it first :/ but nice story!

  • This was good but the hairy creature? There was no real buildup to it. I was expecting maybe he poisoned the candy instead and it dissolved her stomach. Still a good story though. LOL X

  • Wow… I would be like really if she were my child. I mean come on, FREE CANDY? From a stranger? ON THE FRIGGIN STREET!!?! Wht did her parents never teach her stranger danger?? Also i think the candy was made of some chemical compound and when mixed with her stomache acid created the monster inside of her. I know… Im a geek B)

  • That is yucky! I hate taking candies from strangers! I was with my friend in school with my classmates, We were doing sports and we were tired so my friend sarah gave me a candy so i said “sweet!” But I opened my candy and then my boyfriend jackson took it from me and showed me this story.. Can i take from my friend’s candy?

  • lol does anyone else see the amy yei thing saying will you date me? lol never i would date you is my reply i bet she is a desperate loner no affense amy but amy isnt a jappenese name and what are you doing on a scary website this is no point because she wont be reading this

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