Scary For Kids

Box in the Attic

The Box in the Attic is a scary story about a girl who is playing hide and seek when she comes across something strange in the attic.

Box in the Attic

When I was a young girl, I was friends with a boy named Ephraim. He was quiet and shy, but I liked his company. He was an only child, but he said he used to have a sister. Her name was Marlene and she died before he was born.

One day, after school, Ephraim invited me over to his house. His mom gave us milk and cookies and we watched some cartoons on TV. After we finished eating, Ephraim told his mom we were going to go upstairs and play.

“Just remember,” she said, “You can do whatever you want, but don’t go into the attic.”

We wandered around the house, looking for something to keep us entertained. Eventually, we decided to play hide and seek. Ephraim covered his eyes and counted to 100 while I ran off to find a hiding place.

I decided to hide in the one place he would never look… the attic. I walked up the attic stairs and opened the door. Inside, it was dark and the floor was covered in dust. Looking around in the dim light, I saw a big cardboard box in the corner. It looked like the perfect place to hide.

I pulled back the flaps and peeked inside. I could see some strange objects that were dusty and grey. When I looked closer, I realized they were human bones and at the bottom of the box, I could see a skull.

I looked at the label on the side of the box and a chill ran down my spine. I just closed up the box again and we went downstairs. I didn’t say anything about the box to Ephraim. Instead, I made up some excuse about my mother wanting me to come home and left quickly.

All these years later, I can still remember the label on that box in the attic. It read: “Marlene”.

scary for kids


  • Way To predicatble!!!!!!! But, contray to this, I shall explain this to you. The ephiams parents murdered his sister, marlene, and this was the reason they would not let anybody in the attic. One might ask “well that is such a stupid reason! There is no proof of murder excpet for evidnce that cannot be backed up! They could have just been kind of creepy, and wanted to keep their daughter with them at all times, not wanting her to suffer under the cold, harsh layers of dirt.” Well you little skeptist, if that is the case why would they keep her in a box rather then a coffin. They decided tp stuff their daughter in a carboard box, which in my opinion is a great mark of disrespect. Also, the parents never told their son what happened to their daughter, they never told him how she died. There is no possible reason to keep this from her aside from the fact that something extermly tragic happened to her such as she was human trafficked. Also after people die, most likley want to “remeber them how they once were” therefore if her parents loved her then they wouldn’t have kept her above ground with her bones just lying around, they would’ve buried her and kept her room untouched. And to leave the bones exposed, in the open? obviously she must’ve decayed, and thats why the bones were all bare, they must’ve cleaned away all the dirt after she decayed, then left her untouched for years. Though of course human bodies take a significant amount of time to decay. Therefore the flesh must’ve been ripped from her skin, possible eaten by the socipath parents. Though that is a bit of a stretch. But then again where did the flesh go? They never cared for their daughter. They murdered their poor defensless child who trusted them so dearly, then decided to have another kid. They are just messed up people and the author knows it and is too scared to admit it.
    -Max Ride Side Kick

  • Way To predicatble!!!!!!! But, contray to this, I shall explain this to you. The ephiams parents murdered his sister, marlene, and this was the reason they would not let anybody in the attic. One might ask “well that is such a stupid reason! There is no proof of murder excpet for evidnce that cannot be backed up! They could have just been kind of creepy, and wanted to keep their daughter with them at all times, not wanting her to suffer under the cold, harsh layers of dirt.” Well you little skeptist, if that is the case why would they keep her in a box rather then a coffin. They decided tp stuff their daughter in a carboard box, which in my opinion is a great mark of disrespect. Also, the parents never told their son what happened to their daughter, they never told him how she died. There is no possible reason to keep this from her aside from the fact that something extermly tragic happened to her such as she was human trafficked. Also after people die, most likley want to “remeber them how they once were” therefore if her parents loved her then they wouldn’t have kept her above ground with her bones just lying around, they would’ve buried her and kept her room untouched. And to leave the bones exposed, in the open? obviously she must’ve decayed, and thats why the bones were all bare, they must’ve cleaned away all the dirt after she decayed, then left her untouched for years. They never cared for their daughter. They murdered their poor defensless child who trusted them so dearly, then decided to have another kid. They are just messed up people and the author knows it and is too scared to admit it.
    -Max Ride Side Kick

  • Soooooo did the mum eat her or what? 0-o SFK can you tell me please

  • Oh. My. God. So that’s why he never met Marlene!

    By the way SFK, it should have been, I would have had a sister not I had a sister because he never met her.

    Ephraim, if you are sad, I know how upsetting it must be – finding out that you could have had a sister but she died before your birth. I could have had an older brother but my parents found out during the pregnacy that he would have a very bad brain condition. So bad that they would have to devote their whole life to looking after him. So they had an abortion.

  • Why would someone keep their child’s bones in a box Just to remember the child ? She must have killed her own daughter..
    not that scary though !!

  • Saw that one coming fo’ sho’….should’ve told the cops or something though. Wonder y they did it….and kinda makes u wonder if that’s gonna be the boys fate.

  • There is a confusion here. Did the mom killed/ate the sister or she wanted to keep the remains as rememberance????

  • well not sure about it, if mother killed her or she wanted her daughter’s remains to be with her forever….

  • The first line i think, has a grammatical mistake: I was friends with a boy?
    And I don’t think the mother ate her sister, instead she must have preserved her bones as a memento or something like that for her remembrance….

  • Well, crap.
    Have we got a cannibal here? Great story, by the way. Simple yet scary :D

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