Scary For Kids
Haunted Universities

Haunted Universities

The top ten haunted universities and colleges in the the world. Read true ghost stories about horrible murders, fatal accidents and grisly deaths in these famous schools and hallowed halls of learning.

Haunted Universities

scary for kids


  • I have a story about a place around where my cousin lives in New Jersey. I’ve never been there but I’ve heard a lot about it. It’s a supposedly haunted university. It is called Centenary College and is haunted by the ghost of Matilda (Tillie) Smith. Hope you add this, SFK.

    It takes place in 1886. A young girl, 18, by the name of Tillie Smith, lives in the basement of Centenary Collegiate Institute. She cooks and cleans with several other girls to earn meager pay. They are not allowed out after 9:00. However, there is a concert on the other side of town, though not a long walk. And, being the teenager she is, Tillie wants to go. She asks the headmistress, and she answers nay. Not wanting to request a second time, Tillie asks the janitor, James Titus, to leave the back door open for her. For fear of his job, he says no. And Tillie leaves anyway. She left with one other girl, and there, they met two men. One, known by the girl, and the other, a traveling handkerchief salesman. The salesman struck Tillie’s fancy and when it was time, he walked her back to the college. It was past 9:00. The doors would be closed. And she was expecting the back door to be open. But she never got back.

    Come morning, Tillie’s body was found in a field near the institute, with no trace of anyone near her. She had been raped and strangled some time in the night or early morning. In the end, James Titus was put in jail for the crime. He had been the last at the college to see her.  He was hanged 19 years later (I believe).  The thing is, not many people really think it was Titus that killed her. Some suspect the man who walked her home. The story, originating in New Jersey, reached as far as California! She was given a pauper’s grave, but money was raised for the girl to have a big, grand grave that still stands in Union Cemetery.

    In 1899, on the day of Tillie’s murder (April 9?)  there was a fire in the school, and it had to be rebuilt. It is said that it was Tillie’s spirit seeking vengeance. There was another fire in 2015, as well, on Halloween.

    In 2013, a psychic came and walked the path Tillie did on that faithful night, and she said that she could feel the girl’s presence.

    The ghost of Matilda Smith is said to be seen walking among the trees outside of the school today.

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